Self Promotion
Leo Burnett Frankfurt,
Orthodontist Dr. Rathenow "Uncorrected Teeth Pacifiers Promotion"
Credits Corporate Name of Client:
Dr. Lutz Rathenow Advertising Agency:
Leo Burnett,
Frankfurt Executive Creative Director:
Andreas Pauli Creative Directors:
Andreas Heinzel/Peter Steger Copywriter:
Florian Kroeber Art Director:
Claudia Boeckler
Basic description of the project:
The orthodontist Dr. Rathenow specialises in early diagnosis and correction of children’s defective jaws and teeth.
To promote this service, specially designed pacifiers were handed out to parents of small children. The pacifiers gave the parents a funny, but very remarkable impression of how their kids could look with uncorrected teeth. The doctor’s business card was attached to the pacifiers.
Headline business card (front):
Take your kids for a check-up of their jaws and teeth before it’s too late.