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Silver Winner

Brochures/Catalogues - Consumer
Entrant: BBDO Stuttgart, Stuttgart
Sieglinde Betzler Personal Trainer
"Betzler's Personal Training "The Heavyweight Brochure""
Corporate Name of Client: Sieglinde Betzler Personal Trainer
Advertising Agency: BBDO Stuttgart, Stuttgart
Chief Creative Officer: Armin Jochum
Creative Directors: Armin Jochum/Stefan Nagel
Copywriters: Armin Jochum/Achim Szymanski/Judith Homoki/Sascha Dudic
Art Directors: Stefan Nagel/Carolin Frick/Melanie Sonnenschein
Photographer: Niels Schubert
Illustrator: Joseph Hanopol

Basic description of the project:
To produce a promotional brochure for personal trainer Sieglinde Betzler we developed a heavyweight brochure that had solid steel plates in its cover. To lift, open and read it, people therefore had to put in a bit of effort, as it weighed 2 kilograms.