Serviceplan München/Hamburg,
Alive e.V. Coalition to Abolish the Death-Penalty "365 on Death Row"
Credits Corporate Name of Client:
Alive e.V. gegen Todesstrafe Advertising Agency:
Serviceplan München/Hamburg,
München Creative Director:
Christoph Everke Copywriter:
Helmut Huber Art Director:
Veronika Broich Graphic Designers:
Anja Krumrein/Ivo Hlavac/Massimo Petrolli
Basic description of the project:
We have created a tear-off calendar for ALIVE e.V., to demonstrate that people are being executed under the death penalty every day. On the back of each page there is a picture of a sentenced person as that day's representative victim. By tearing off a consecutive sheet every day we want to communicate that today, tomorrow and every day peoples' lives are literally being torn apart and thrown away.