Original Music with Lyrics
Truth "Singing Cowboy"
Credits Corporate Name of Client:
American Legacy Foundation Advertising Agency:
Arnold, Boston/Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Miami Executive Creative Directors:
Pete Favat, Alex Bogusky Creative Directors:
John Kearse, Tom Adams Copywriter:
Roger Baldacci and John Kearse Art Director:
Adam Larson and Kevin Grady Executive Agency Producer:
Sarah Spitz Agency Producer:
Mary Donington Production Company:
MJZ Producer:
Kate Sutherland Director:
Nicolai Fuglsig Director of Photography:
Joaquin Baca-Asay Special Effects Company:
Brickyard VFX,
Boston Editing Facility:
Cosmo Street Editor:
Lawrence Young Sound Design Company:
Soundtrack Boston,
Boston Sound Design By:
Mike Secher Music Production Company:
Sound Lounge Music Arranger:
Brad Stratton Music Composer:
Harry Frost